LOAN CALCULATOR Find out the loan repayment terms by using the below loan calculator Loan Calculator Loan Calculator Select Loan Product: Normal Loan (1% interest, max 72 months) Miliki Mortgage Financing Loan (1.25% interest, max 120 months) CAR LOAN (1.5% interest, max 36 months) Shamba Loan (1.5% interest, max 60 months) Property Loan (1% interest, max 60 months) Re-Financing Loan (1% interest, flexible period) Higher Education Loan (1% interest, max 24 months) Emergency Loan (1% interest, max 12 months) School Fees Loan (1% interest, max 12 months) Karibu M-KASH LOAN (8.5% interest, max 3 months) Instant Pesa (Max 200,000, Max 10 months) Salary Advance (3% interest, max 1 month) Jipambe Merchandise Loan (1% interest, max 12 months) Insurance Financing Loan (5% interest, max 6 months) Loan Amount (KSh): Period (Months): Calculate