Karibu M-Cash Loan

This is a mobile loan available to Amref Sacco members. To qualify for a loan, you need to have 3 months of active membership.
The loan has the following features:

  • Maximum Loan amount KSh 50,000
  • The credit limit will be graduated upward from KSh 10,000, 20,000,30,000,40,000 to 50,000 depending on repayment history and credit scoring.
  • The interest rate is as follows:
    1. KSh 20,000 and below, the interest rate of 7.5% one-off, and a maximum repayment period of 60 days.
    2. KSh 20,001 to KSh 50,000 interest rate of 8.5 % one-off and a maximum repayment period of 90 days.
  • A default will lead to the member being barred for 6 months from accessing any other short-term loan products.
  • No paperwork needed
  • No guarantors required.


Download the Mobile Banking Registration Form

Submit the duly filled and signed form to info@amrefsacco.org.
You will receive an SMS from AMREF_Sacco with details on self-activation.


• Dial *276* 30#
• Select option 1: Karibu M-Cash Loan
• Loan type: Mobile (note: type the word mobile and not your mobile number digits)
• Number of installments: 1
• Enter Amount (Maximum amount is 50,000 depending on your limit)
• Enter your pin (as set during self-activation)


  • Dial Go to your Mpesa Menu
  • Go to Lipa na Mpesa
  • Select Paybill
  • Enter business number: 840300
  • Account number: 30*Mobile (Note: type the word mobile and not your mobile number digits)
  • Amount: Your outstanding loan amount.
  • Enter your Mpesa Pin number and send


  • Transfer Money to own or other M-Pesa
  • Pay any Paybill (Including K.P.L.C, DSTV, ZUKU, and Nairobi Water)
  • Savings and Loan Balance inquiry
  • Check guarantors/guarantee status
  • Buy goods and services

Download the Mobile Banking User Guidelines below

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