Lending conditions

Check-off members checklist

  • Provide dully filled loan application form
  • Provide 2 current payslips (consecutive months)
  • Check-off members’ may also provide alternative sources of income (Bank statement or Mpesa Paybill/Till statement) as proof of ability to repay.
  • Provide required number of guarantors and/or collateral for loans secured with title deed or logbook 
  • Provide additional supporting documents where required, for example, fees structure, hospital bill.

Non- check off checklist

  • Provide dully filled loan application forms
  • Provide 2 current payslips or 6 months certified bank statements
  • Provide required number of guarantors and/or collateral for loans secured with title deed or logbook
  • Provide additional supporting documents where required, for example, fee structure, hospital bill.
  • Provide a commitment letter stating the preferred mode of loan repayment and copies of standing order or direct debit form where applicable.

Guarantor requirements / LOAN SECURITY ACCEPTED

  • Three guarantors- for loans above Ksh100,000
  • One guarantor for loans of Ksh 100,000 and below, payable in 12 months or less.
  • Self- guarantee allowed if loan amount is within a member’s deposits and member has not guaranteed others.
  • A member can guarantee a maximum of 13 loans subject to 3.5 times deposits
  • Motor vehicles of 10 years and below up to a maximum of 50% of the value.
  •  Land & buildings in urban areas up to a maximum of 70 % of the value. 
  • Only ACTIVE members can guarantee loans.


  • Loan eligibility – To qualify for a loan, a member has to save for six (6) months with the exception of the Karibu M-cash loan which require 3 months active membership.
  • Loan processing fee – 1.2% on the amount applied for, inclusive of taxes (excise duty). 
  • Loan insurance – KSh 0.2 (cents) per 1,000 per month (loan period). The insurance covers loan against death or permanent disability. Payable in 12 months.
  • All LOAN CHARGES – including processing fees and insurance, are deducted from the approved loan amount. The member receives the net amount in their account.

Loan product inquiry