Fixed Deposit & Call Account

At AMREF SACCO, we understand the importance of smart financial planning. We have revamped our Fixed Deposit & Call Account to offer you a reliable and rewarding way to grow your savings. With a Minimum Investment: KES 50,000 Start your journey toward financial growth with AMREF SACCO.

Key Features

  • Flexible Tenures: Whether you’re planning a short-term goal or a long-term dream. Choose from 3 to 12 months
  • Peace of Mind: Your principal amount is safe and sound, earning interest while you focus on what matters most.
  • Roll-Over Option: When your tenure ends, you can seamlessly roll over your principal and interest into a new period.
  • Guaranteed interest rate: Revised rates per annum (see table below)
Tenure Less than
500,000 to
1,000,000 to
2,000,000 to
5,000,000 to
10M and ·
3 ·Months8.00%8.25%8.50%8.75%9.00%9.25%
6 ·Months8.00%8.50%8.75%9.00%9.25%10.00%
9- Months8.00%8.75%9.00%9.25%9.50%11.00%
12- Months8.25%8.75%9.25%9.50%10.00%12.00%
Call deposit6.00%6.25%6.50%6.75%7.00%7.50%

 Get Started Today: Open Your Fixed Deposit / Call Account by filling out the form below! 

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Fixed Deposit & Call Account

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