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Your Emergency. Our Emergency.
You can always alter and adapt your plan, provided you have one.”
Manoj Arora, From the Rat Race to Financial Freedom
Emergencies cannot be forecasted but they can be mitigated. AMREF Sacco offers emergency loans to offset some of the stress during these unforeseen situations.
No matter the situation be it hospitalization, funeral expenses, court fines and any other, we will extend to you the possibility of getting a loan up to three time member’s savings. This service as well, offers a repayment period of a maximum of 12 months with interest rates as low as 1% a month, on a reducing balance.
To make the pot even sweeter, AMREF Sacco emergency loans can be granted without supporting documents for amounts of Kshs 50,000 or less. Any amount exceeding that will require documented proof of an emergency.
Planning for an emergency is a step towards financial freedom. You can do so by saving in any of our withdrawable savings accounts, that is, property savings, junior savings or even the holiday savings account. The flexibility of withdrawing from these accounts makes them a sure way of saving for emergencies.
Don’t be caught unawares! Let us stand with you in your time of need.